Best Practice

Finnish Ambassador Joins Erasmus+ Exchange Focusing on Foróige Go

Alan May 31, 2024

A two-day exchange programme in Dublin, at the end of May brought together youth work professionals from Humak University of Applied Sciences, Finland to explore Foróige’s Go Digital Youth Work programmes aimed at enhancing youth work provision to young people who are marginalised and isolated. The exchange took place in Foróige Christchurch and Foróige Blanchardstown.

Regional Baking Final Dublin Winners

foroigeadmin July 19, 2016

Congratulations to Aoife O'Neill (14), Crossbridge Foróige Club, Co. Wicklow, and Isobel Donnery (15) from Camross Loft Foróige Club, Co. Wicklow, who are through to the semi-final of the Aldi National Junior Baking Competition.

They beat stiff competition at the Regional Baking Final in Dublin yesterday, July 18th.

The theme for 2016 is ‘Muffins of the Moment’, with Isobel baking Lemon Drizzle Muffins, while Aoife baked Rose Chocolate Muffins.

21st Century Skills: Not Just a Tagline by Jonathan Tiernan, Strategy Analyst at Foróige

foroigeadmin February 27, 2015

History teaches us that education is continually evolving. While this rate of evolution may at times be frustratingly slow we can point to many significant developments in the past one hundred years. Up until the 1950’s a primary level education was the norm, with only the select few advancing any further. With the introduction of free second level education in Ireland in the 1960’s there was a surge in the numbers staying in education into their teenage years.

Foróige launches relationships and sexuality programme for young people which aims to delay sexual activity and reduce teen pregnancies

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse September 26, 2014

REAL U is a comprehensive relationships and sexual health programme designed to delay the onset of early sexual activity and reduce teen pregnancy. Funding for the roll out of the programme nationally came from the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme. This innovative new sex education programme delivered to more than 10,500 teenagers nationwide is ‘filling a gap’ in relationship and sexuality education for young people in Ireland, a new study has shown. The 12-month research into youth organisation Foróige’s Relationships Explored and Life Uncovered (REAL U) programme also found that young people’s attitudes to LGBT issues and knowledge about the facts of sex improved significantly as a result of taking part in the 12-week programme.

Foróige’s Dr. Susan Redmond says, “Young people are living in an increasingly sexualised world and teenagers need the tools to navigate through this world effectively.

Youth Participation Workshop now available!

youthparticipation June 20, 2014

Participate + Influence = Change

This workshop will provide practical training and advice for adults working with young people in a wide variety of sectors including local and national government policy developers, funders, clinicians, service managers, youth and community workers.

The workshop will give participants information on what youth participation is and is not, how to implement youth participation in their work and enable participants to consider ways to ensure young people are having a real say and influence over decisions being made in policy development, programmes, services, organisations and in their day-to-day work.
