Congratulations to Aoife O'Neill (14), Crossbridge Foróige Club, Co. Wicklow, and Isobel Donnery (15) from Camross Loft Foróige Club, Co. Wicklow, who are through to the semi-final of the Aldi National Junior Baking Competition.
They beat stiff competition at the Regional Baking Final in Dublin yesterday, July 18th.
The theme for 2016 is ‘Muffins of the Moment’, with Isobel baking Lemon Drizzle Muffins, while Aoife baked Rose Chocolate Muffins.
Foróige youth workers are absolutely passionate about creating learning opportunities for young people. We’d like to congratulations our colleague Siobhán Hennessy, coordinator at Foróige’s Computer Clubhouse in Blanchardstown, who has been selected to receive an Adobe Creative Educator Award! The Award includes multiple Creative Cloud licenses from the Adobe Foundation. Young people attending the Clubhouse will have the chance to learn how to use Creative Cloud software: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects and other Adobe programmes.
18-year-old Jessy Kalala, a young creative from Foróige’s Computer Clubhouse in Blanchardstown is one of 25 students from 12 countries selected for this years class of Adobe Creativity Scholars. Young filmmakers, social entrepreneurs and artists like Jessy were selected in recognition of their strong academic performance, leadership, global awareness and creativity.
Welcome to the Computer Clubhouse blog! A New Year brings a new Clubhouse Co-ordinator, Siobhán Hennessy. Siobhán was born in Dublin, Ireland and has a BA in Business Studies from Griffith College Dublin. She worked as a Youth Officer in Mulhuddart Community Youth Project from 2006.
Hey, I'm Siobhán and I'm the new Co-ordinator at the Foróige Computer Clubhouse in Blanchardstown.