8. FAQ
Q. Who do I contact if I want to volunteer with Foróige?A.
You can contact [email protected] or complete the form here. Clubs are supported by Regional Youth Officers (or RYO’s) and many counties also have a regional office. Alternatively, call Foróige Head Office to point you in the right direction. All contact details are available here.
Q. Would I be suited to work in a project setting?A.
You will be working with a professional youth worker to develop programmes and activities to benefit the young people in the group and meet their specific needs. Your Foróige contact will chat to you about what you want to get from volunteering and will be able to guide you in the right direction and find something that suits you.
Q. What training will I receive?A.
All volunteers receive induction training to get you started. This includes an introduction to what Foróige is all about, and how to enable members to take control and responsibility for their own group, with your support, as well as enabling them to organise and get involved in suitable projects and programmes.
During induction training you will receive intensive child protection training, as well as training on Foróige insurance guidelines. If you wish you can then take part in leaders training from levels 1 – 5 which will help you to improve your own skills and become a more confident volunteer. Throughout the year, there will also be opportunities to take part in other trainings as required, such as games workshops and dealing with challenging behaviour. Should you require training in an area that is not already being offered, speak to your project worker.
Q. Is there an application procedure?A.
If you are interested in volunteering, your youth officer will be able to point you in the right direction and provide you with all the information and support you need to get started. You will be required to complete an Application Form and a Garda Vetting Form.
Q. What commitment is required of me?A.
You will be required to volunteer for about 1 ½ to 2 hours a week but how much time you want to give is really up to you and can be discussed with your project worker.
Q. Who are the volunteers or ‘Bigs’?A.
Our volunteers are adults from the community - like you – who feel they could play a positive role in the development of a young person on a one-to-one level.
Q. What is expected of volunteers?A.
Volunteers are asked to spend 1-2 hours a week with their designated little brother/sister. The initial commitment is for one year but matches often last longer than that and the friendships rarely finish once the match has run its course. Find out even more about Big Brother Big Sister here or read testimonials here.
Q. What support will I get as a Volunteer?A.
You will be assigned a staff member who will support and maintain regular contact with you throughout the life of your friendship. Volunteer training will be provided before you meet your little brother/sister.
Q. What will I do with my Little Brother/Sister?A.
Together, you can decide on what activities you would like to do; go for coffee, play football, do arts and crafts, play computer games. We’ve got lots of suggestions for activities here.
Q. What will I get out of it?A.
It’s great fun, you'll do things you haven't done in years! It is an opportunity to develop a friendship with a young person, share common interests and try new things. And you’ll know you are impacting on a young person’s life for the better.
Q. I want to support BBBS but I don’t want to be a Big Brother or Sister. What can I do?A.
There are plenty of ways to help. You can:
1. Work with in an area that you are skilled in such as computers, sports, music, etc.
2. Promote BBBS in your community or business
3. Get involved in one of our many fundraising activities organised throughout the country. -
Q. What is the relationship between NFTE and Foróige?A.
Foróige took over the operation and management of NFTE in 2009. NFTE’s ethos is a perfect fit with Foróige and a complimentary addition to Foróige’s current service offering. Foróige’s Best Practice Unit has been working with NFTE staff to ensure the programme meets international best practice standards. Everything you need to know about the NFTE programme can be found here.
Q. How do I volunteer?A.
Contact your local Foróige office for a list of volunteering opportunities in your area or click here for more information on the opportunities available with Foróige across the country. You will be supported at every step of the way. You can also email [email protected] with any enquiries on volunteering or to register your interest!
Q. My son/daughter would benefit from Foróige, how can he/she get involved?A.
Check out our Interactive Map to see if there is a club in your area. No club? Not to worry, call your Regional Youth Officer to see how you can set one up! Foróige Clubs are created and run by volunteers.
Q. Do clubs get a chance to meet with other Foróige clubs?A.
Foróige believes that it is really important for young people to meet others that they wouldn’t normally have a chance to meet with. Therefore, clubs are encouraged to get involved in interclub events, such as discos and talent shows. Regional events are also hosted at a national level.
Q. What support will I get as a volunteer?A.
All volunteers, regardless of which area of the organisation you choose to volunteer in will receive ongoing training and support. This includes but is not limited to induction training for new volunteers, which covers child protection, insurance, health and safety and activities and ideas, optional leaders training, which is offered from Levels 1 – 5 and additional training based on specific needs, such as challenging behaviour and games workshops. Your Regional Youth Officer or Project Worker can provide more information on the training available in your area.
Q. Is Foróige an Irish language organisation?A.
No, the name Foróige is derived from the Irish words Forbairt na hóige, meaning development of youth. A group of young people, with the support of adult leaders may choose to form an Irish language group but the majority of clubs, projects and services are English speaking.
Q. What is the difference between clubs and projects?A.
The main differences between clubs and projects are:
(a) clubs are volunteer led and projects are led by staff in partnership with volunteers
(b) clubs are for young people in general while projects are for young people as well as providing additional support for more vulnerable young people.Foróige operates 531 clubs across Ireland for young people who want to be involved in their community, meet new friends and have fun in a safe environment. Clubs are volunteer led and supported by regional youth officers. They provide general youth work services.
Foróige also operates 142 projects and 5 local youth services. These provide more targeted services to young people who need extra support. They may be getting in trouble in the local area, thinking of leaving school early or experimenting with tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Projects work with a wide variety of young people to meet their specific needs and help them on to a more positive life path.
Q. Can I avail of any Foróige services even if I don’t want to become a member?A.
Foróige offers a number of programmes to outside groups. Any youth group, operating in an out of school setting, with three or more members can take part in Foróige’s Citizenship Programme, which provides easy steps and activities for groups to play an active role in their community and make a real and positive difference now. You can also enter your project into the Foróige Youth Citizenship Awards. Young people can also apply to take part in Leadership for Life Programme designed and managed by Foróige. The programme gives young people the opportunity to develop their innate leadership skills and set realistic goals for themselves both now and in the future.
Q. There is no Foróige club in my area, how can I set one up?A.
Get in touch with Foróige Head Office or the regional youth officer in your area. Details can be found here. You will be assisted in every way to set up a club in your area, including finding a suitable location to hold club meeting, recruiting volunteers and recruiting members.
Q. How is a Foróige club different to other youth clubs?A.
The Foróige club structure ensures that young people have ownership of their club. The members elect their own club committee (chairperson, secretary, public relations officer and treasurer) who control and manage the affairs of the club in consultation with members and leaders. This gives the members a chance to experience democracy first hand. Members take responsibility for their actions and feel a strong sense of belonging, not only to their club but also to their community.
Q. How often do clubs meet?A.
Clubs meet once a week for 1 ½ - 2 hours. At times throughout the year, clubs may meet more often if they are working on a project or planning an event.
Q. What activities do clubs do?A.
Foróige clubs are run by the members, in cooperation with adult leaders. So, the activities of each club vary depending on the interests of the members and, often, the expertise of the leaders. Foróige also provides a wide variety of programmes, including citizenship programmes that encourage young people to play an active role in their community to make it a better place and leadership programmes to nurture innate leadership qualities and capabilities. Foróige also provides leaders with games and activities suitable to their group, which will be demonstrated by your regional youth officer at leader training. The members run a formal club meeting to plan and organise the activities and programmes they want to do. Clubs are encouraged to play an active role in their community.
Q. Who are the members?A.
Foróige members are young people from 12 - 18 years.
Q. Who are the leaders?A.
The leaders are generally members of the local community who want to get involved and make a difference. In a club all leaders must be over 18 and at least one leader must be over 21.
Q. What commitment is required of me?A.
You will be required to volunteer for just 1 ½ or 2 hours a week but ongoing projects or activities may require further commitment at times. This is at your own discretion. You must also commit to attend induction training for your benefit and the benefit of the members of the club.
Q. Is there an application procedure?A.
If you are interested in volunteering the relevant Foróige staff person will provide you with all the information and support you need to get started. A rigorous application process is in place to ensure suitability to the role. This includes formal meeting, references and Garda vetting.
Q. Do I need any particular experience?A.
You will receive all the training you need once excepted as a volunteer. However, if you are skilled in a particular area, such as sport, arts, music, you can often use this to benefit the club and support young people to develop new skills.
Q. What training will I receive?A.
All volunteers receive induction training to get you started. This includes information about what Foróige is all about and how to let the members take control and responsibility for their club with your support. You will also be given a chance to discuss ideas for things to do in the club, as well as important information on child protection and insurance. If you wish you can then take part in leaders training from Levels 1 – 5 which will help you to improve your own skills and become a more confident volunteer. Throughout the year, there will also be opportunities to take part in other trainings as required, such as games workshops and dealing with challenging behaviour. Should you require training in an area that is not already being offered, contact your youth officer.