IT Officer - FRGJOB_1109
This is an opportunity to develop your skills and knowledge, with hands-on experience in a broad range of technologies and systems, with the opportunity to specialise and upskill, and become subject matter experts.
The successful candidate will experience
1. working as first-line support in a busy IT department, supporting staff in communities throughout Ireland,
2. best-practise approaches to support and security for Ireland’s leading youth organisation
3. and be given ownership of specific processes, applications and/or infrastructure, and will be supported in leading out on related issues and projects.
Location: Parkwest, Co. Dublin
Closing Date - 27th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Youth Officer, Nenagh UBU Youth Service - FRGJOB_1108
Download Job Description
Foróige employs over 40 staff through various targeted Youth Work projects and initiatives in the South Region that provide a range of educational and developmental services to young people. These services include, identification and recruitment of targeted/ at risk young people, establishment of group and individual interventions, programme development and implementation, recruitment of adult volunteers, youth leadership training, organisational development, consultancy, advice and information and school holiday programmes. Interventions are delivered with a specific focus on those areas and communities experiencing specific disadvantage.
Location: Nenagh, Co. Tipperary
Closing Date - 27th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply
Youth Justice Worker, The CABLE Project - FRGJOB_1107
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Working in a YDP, regardless of the role, will allow you to take a journey with young people and families, who are often the most marginalised and disadvantaged. Many have faced great obstacles, tragedy and adversity in their lives, yet are inspiring in their ability to cope, bounce back and often flourish, once given the appropriate opportunities and supports. Foróiges philosophy underpins all of our work and this supports our passionate belief in the importance of giving second chances and opportunities to young people regardless of their circumstances.
Location: Ardee, Co. Louth
Closing Date - 27th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply
Project Worker, South Sligo UBU - FRGJOB_1105
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The South Sligo and Ballyhaunis (East Mayo) UBUs, Foróige are funded by DCEDIY through Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB). The project is a DCEDIY funded targeted project, based on the Migrant Integration Fund 2025 which aims to develop services in ETB areas, where a gap in service provision has been identified, specifically for young people ages 10-24 years who have identified needs additional to the general population.
Location: Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Closing Date - 20th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply
Youth Justice Worker, ABLE YDP - FRGJOB_1104
Working in a YDP, regardless of the role, will allow you to take a journey with young people and families, who are often the most marginalised and disadvantaged. Many have faced great obstacles, tragedy and adversity in their lives, yet are inspiring in their ability to cope, bounce back and often flourish, once given the appropriate opportunities and supports. Foróiges philosophy underpins all of our work and this supports our passionate belief in the importance of giving second chances and opportunities to young people regardless of their circumstances.
Location:Ballyfermot, Dublin
Closing Date - 20th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Programme Officer, Mentoring - FRGJOB_1103
Foróiges mentoring programme connects a vulnerable young person to an adult volunteer mentor to facilitate a positive transition from adolescence into adulthood.
Location: Ballybofey, Donegal
Closing Date - 20th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Insurance and Health & Safety Administrator - FRGJOB_1102
The Insurance and Health & Safety Administrator will provide day-to-day support to local regions on all matters pertaining to insurance and Health & Safety matters throughout Foróige. This includes reviewing policies, overseeing activities, checking third party insurance and managing claims from start to finish along with the Health & Safety administration supporting the Insurance and Health & Safety Manager.
Location: Cork City, exact location TBC
Closing Date - 27th of February at 12pm
Please send your CV and cover letter to [email protected]
Youth Officer, Integrated Youth and Family Project Louth/Meath - FRGJOB_1098
The Integrated Youth and Family Project is a partnership between Foróige and TUSLA, offering structures support to identified at risk young people and families, The objective is to suppoty children to live in their community 24/7 resulting in fewer children in residential care; more children stopped from coming into residential care; prevention through creative community alternatives; and de-escalation to community through creative community alternatives.
Location: Navan, Co.Meath
Closing Date - 13th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Youth Officer, Youthrive - FRGJOB_1097
The intiative provides brief interventions and support for targeted young people aged 12-25 years old that do not reach the threshold for access to CAMHS. The aim of the service is that young people in Cavan-Monaghan are engaged and supported around their mental health needs, ensuring that they receive the right support. The service seeks to empower and support marginalised young people, co-developing services and promoting mental health and well being.
Location: Monaghan Town
Closing Date - 13th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Senior Youth Officer, Strengthening Families Kildare - FRGJOB_1095
The Strengthening Families Programme (SFP) is an evidence based family skills programme which has been reviewed internationally by the Cochrane library and proven to be twice as effective as the next best family intervention programme. SFP was originally developed for families where dependent substance use is an issue, to reduce environmental risk factors and increase protective factors with the purpose of increasing resilience in high risk young people. The programme engages the whole family and has been proven to be effective in improving family communication and resilience.
Location: Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Closing Date - 20th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Youth Justice Workers x2 & Family Support Workers x2, Monaghan Neighbourhood Youth Project - FRGJOB_1090
Working in a YDP, regardless of the role, will allow you to take a journey with young people and families, who are often the most marginalised and disadvantaged. Many have faced great obstacles, tragedy and adversity in their lives, yet are inspiring in their ability to cope, bounce back and often flourish, once given the appropriate opportunities and supports. Foróiges philosophy underpins all of our work and this supports our passionate belief in the importance of giving second chances and opportunities to young people regardless of their circumstances.
Location: Monaghan and Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan
Closing Date -20th of February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
School Completion Coordinator, Southill School Completion Programme - FRGJOB_1082
The School Completion Programme (SCP) is a targeted programme which aims to increase the numbers of children and young people staying in primary and post primary school and in doing so improve the numbers of young people who successfully complete the Senior Cycle, or equivalent.The primary focus of the Programme is to work with those who may be at risk of educational disadvantage through early school leaving. The SCP aims to impact positively on school:
• Attendance
• Participation
• Retention
Location: Southill, Co. Limerick
Closing Date - 27th Februay at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Club Development Officer, Volunteer Development and Club Support - FRGJOB_1076
Essentially the Development Worker will support volunteer adults to facilitate youth development through community-based volunteer led Foróige clubs; which the Development Worker will support communities to set up, or where they already exist.
Location: Co. Tipperary (exact location TBC)
Closing Date - 27th February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Youth Officer, Portlaoise UBU Youth Service - FRGJOB_1068
The Portlaoise UBU Youth Service enables young people at risk of, or, not in education, training or employment to overcome adversity and reach their full potential. The primary target group for this service are aged 10 to 19.
Location: Portlaoise, Laois
Closing Date - 13th February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.
Club Development Officer, Volunteer Activation Fund - FRGJOB_1059
The Club Development Worker’s role is to establish Volunteer led Foróige Clubs in communities where there are none at present, in counties Louth, Meath, Laois and Kildare. This will be done in conjunction with the current club staff in this area.
Location: Co. Meath or Co. Laois (TBC)
Closing Date - 27th February at 12pm
Please complete our online application form to apply.