How We’re Governed & Funded

As a voluntary youth organisation, Foróige is governed by its volunteers. Below is an overview of our structure:

*If the young people elected are 18 they are members of the Board of Directors as opposed to observers.  Legally a person under 18 cannot be a member of a Board.

National Council and Board

Foróige, the National Youth Development Organisation is a company limited by guarantee not having share capital; the above graphic illustrates the governance of the organisation. 

Foróige volunteers from Foróige Clubs, Foróige Juniors etc. elect a minimum of one National Council member per county. Volunteers from our projects and services elect a minimum of 16 total National Council members.Young people involved in clubs, projects, BBBS etc. who are members of affiliated youth participation structures are also elected to the National Council (members of the company). The National Council is a grouping of a minimum of 58 people, which meet approximately four times a year. The National Council is a representative body of the membership of the organisation (adult volunteers and young people) from which the Board is elected.

The Board meet regularly to decide on the strategic direction of the organisation. Nine adult volunteers and two youth observers are elected to the Board along with three external appointees.  

Reference Panel

The Reference Panel is a group of young people elected at the Regional Conferences of Clubs and the Regional Youth Participation Seminars. There are a maximum of 64 members.
The functions of the Reference Panel will be determined from time to time by the Board and include but are not limited to:
(a) Bringing forward representation regarding the Organisation from the Regional Conferences of Clubs and the Regional Youth Participation Seminars
(b) Influencing Organisational decisions that affect young people
(c) Producing a report on their activities and determining local and regional actions based on this report
(d) Advocating on behalf of the Organisation.
There are a minimum of two meetings of the Reference Panel per year.

Foróige Volunteer Associations 

Foróige Volunteer Associations consist of volunteers in a Foróige operated youth project or service.
The function of a Foróige Volunteer Association is to exchange ideas, to support volunteer recruitment for the project, to make representations to the Organisation, to promote the purpose of Foróige and to provide peer support.

District Councils

Clubs in a county form District Councils. Each Club may appoint not more than two voting delegates, one of whom must be an Adult Leader from the Club to sit on the District Council.
The functions of the District Council are to exchange ideas, to co-ordinate and stimulate the activities of the Clubs, to help in the formation of new Clubs and to make representations to the Board on all matters relating to the Organisation.

Management and Staff

Foróige employs approximately 550 professional staff to assist and enable communities and voluntary youth workers in their work, as well as working directly with young people as necessary and appropriate. A big thank you to our funders whose support and partnership enable Foróige to make a positive difference to the lives of the young people we work with.

Our Funders Include

  • Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
  • Education & Training Boards (ETB)
  • European Social Fund
  • Tusla - The Child and Family Agency
  • The Health Service Executive
  • The Department of Justice
  • The Department of Education
  • The Department of Rural and Community Development
  • Local Development Companies
  • Local Drugs Task Forces
  • Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Forces
  • The HSE Sexual Health & Crisis Pregnancy Programme
  • Pobal
  • County Development Boards
  • Investment from Philanthropy
  • Corporate Sponsorship