Our Work

Foróige Future-Proof Programme


ecollective_presents_future_proof_sp_banner.pngThe Fcróige Ecollective programme launch banner

 Future-Proof Programme 2020

The Foróige Future-Proof Programme will enable young people to reflect on the importance of a more sustainable future for our planet while exploring solutions to environmental issues, take action and feel empowered while promoting social justice and fairness.
The Foróige Future-Proof programme is a direct response to the climate crisis unfolding now. Developed by young people for young people, the programme addresses Climate Justice education. It will create an awareness of Climate Justice and climate action among young people, enabling them to make choices for a sustainable future.
Written in conjunction with a passionate group of young people known as the Foróige Ecollective, the programme will inform and educate how the climate crisis disproportionately impacts vulnerable and marginalised communities in Ireland and across the world. Climate justice is a human-centred approach to climate activism that takes into consideration the common factor that ties the climate movement to other worldwide movements such as workers rights, racial justice and gender equality.  
Carbon Emissions caused by lifestyle
Having participated in the Foróige Future-Proof programme, young people will be able to define climate justice and identify actions that can be taken to lower carbon footprint in a just manner. They will be able to envisage, plan and execute a Climate Justice Action Project and identify ways of achieving a Foróige Climate Justice Award.
This is an exciting new programme where young people can have a direct influence on climate justice initiatives in their own communities. They will learn to make decisions for their own futures and bring about positive change on the journey to more sustainable living.


Why is climate justice important in Youth Work?

  1. To help young people develop social awareness.
  2. To allow young people to have a voice in decision making affecting them in the future.
  3. To enhance the role of young people as citizens of society.  Extensive programme training will begin for staff in the coming weeks. You can find out more about Foróige's Future Proof programme and how to register for the training on the staff portal. 


Mary Robinson 2015 Ted Talk on Climate Justice

Only a Child (2020) - TEASER TRAILER from Simone Giampaolo on Vimeo. This movie tells the story of Severn Cullis-Suzuki, who in 1992 addressed the Earth summit in Rio when she was just 12 years of age.

27 years after Severn Cullis-Suzuki address, Greta Thunberg speaks to World Leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York in 2019.


This project has been made possible through the generous support of the Youth Climate Justice Fund.