Volunteers Make an Enormous Contribution to Irish society
As we come to the end of Foróige's Volunteer Appreciation Week, I am struck by the generosity and selflessness of so many Foróige volunteers - be they leaders in clubs, Mentors in Big Brothers Big Sisters, judges in NFTE, project volunteers or board members. We know that in recent times this generosity has resulted in Foróige volunteers giving close to 400,000 hours of time each year. Our volunteers make it possible for many thousands of young people to experience joy, challenges and growth through involvement in Foróige. Young people learn leadership, make a difference in their community; discover their own strengths and passions, make friends and have fun, thanks in significant part to the skills and presence of trained volunteers.
We have had a great week together. We launched the week with Seán Campbell CEO Foróige's message to volunteers. On Tuesday we had our National TAB Time with it's sharing of volunteer stories and of course voting for Foróige's favourite biscuit!!. We had two great webinars with the inspirational Jack Kavanagh and the excellent psychologist Stella O'Malley. Young people shared videos of thanks which they created for the leaders all over the country. I hope leaders took a moment to appreciate and reflect on their immense contribution to young people. There have been numerous messages and gratitude expressed on our social media channels @Foroige
We do not know yet what Autumn will bring in a world dominated by a tiny but deadly virus. But I do know that Foróige will be here. Foróige will be open. Foróige will need every volunteer who is able to be involved. We may not know yet under what constraints we will have to operate, but Covid or not, young people need us and they deserve the opportunities that our clubs, projects and programmes offer.
Thanks to the volunteers on the National Council who form the Volunteer Development Subgroup and to the organising staff group for their part in making this week possible.
Denis O'Brien
Volunteer Development Manager, Foróige
We have compiled a spotify playlist to slide you into the long weekend, Foróige Volunteer Appreciation Week Spotify Playlist