My Big Brother, Big Sister Experience by Isaac

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse February 27, 2013

Foróige’s Big Brother Big Sister programme has changed my life for the better! I’m more confident and happier too. Me and my Big Brother Ronan will be friends forever. We went Manchester where I got to see Man City beat Blackburn in the footie. It was amazing! Not the result I wanted for sure, but it was still one of the best things I’ve ever experienced. I’ve Ronan to thank for that. I’ve just been made captain of my football team which was always a dream of mine. I think having Ronan there in my corner had a big part to play in that. Ronan is cool, not just for organising stuff for us to do but because he’s always there for me; helping me and encouraging me to be the best that I can be. I was 12 when my Mum said I should get involved in the programme, she thought it would be good for me. She says she can’t believe the difference in me – she says I’m much happier in myself. I’m definitely more confident and I don’t get as stressed out as I used to. He’s also helping me to learn to play guitar which is something I never would have thought I could do. We have a good laugh. I really look up to him and I can tell him anything. He’s always getting me to think about things and about what I can do in my future. He encourages me to put the work in and do well in school and now I plan on becoming a secondary school teacher. 

Meet Isaac & Ronan: