8. FAQ

  • Q. Can the same email address be used for the club leader and club login in multiple clubs?

    Yes.  In a previous system, you could not have a leader in two different clubs with the same email address, even if they were the same person.  The new system allows this.

    Also, the club login settings can use the same email address in two different clubs.  This is the email address that password resets are sent to, and it is important that this should be the email address of the person that is updating the system, normally the club leader.  Note that the username for the club does not change, even if the email in the login settings does.

  • Q. The System won't let me do anything or keeps crashing

    Get Chrome!

    Use the Google Chrome web browser to access the club system. This is installed on most devices already, but if you don't already have it, Click here to get Chrome for your Windows or Mac computer, or get it for your Android or Apple smartphone


  • Q. I've sent the cheque but heard nothing back

    Did you "request Affiliation"?  This was in the old club system too. Near the "bring members forward" and "add members" buttons is a small down arrow. When you click that one of the options it reveals is "request affiliation" click this and tick the reminder boxes.

  • Q. I've tried to reset my password but I'm getting no emails
    1. Search your email for emails from [email protected], all club system email come from that address.
    2. Check your spam/ junk mail folder, club system emails can sometimes get caught here.
    3. When resetting your password, you are asked for the Club Username, NOT your email address.  The Club Username is included on any emails you have got from the system before, either when the Club was set up, or when you reset the password previously, and these will have come from [email protected]
    4. If you can't find any emails from the Club System, it could be that your email address hasn't been set as the Club User Email.  Your Foróige staff member will be able to confirm if your email address is entered as the Club User email (this defines where the password reset emails go).