Symantec sponsored 5k run takes place in aid of Foróige

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Foróige-Notinuse June 6, 2013

The 2nd annual Symantec 5k road race took place in Ballycoolin, Dublin 15 on Sunday 26th May in aid of Foróige in Blanchardstown. The event was kindly sponsored by Symantec, who were instrumental in organising and facilitating the event which attracted almost 300 participants.
Senator Eamonn Coghlan from Metro St. Brigid’s started the race as the participants waited with anticipation to get going. After 15.07 the first male elite appeared on the horizon to cross the line and take the applause – John Coghlan from Metro St Brigid’s AC, Dublin 15. He was followed closely by Colin Costello and Patrick McCartan. In the women's event, first past the line was Elaine Byrne in a time of 22.30. 2nd place went to Josephine Lindsay-Russell, while Sarah Butler came home in 3rd. Veterans who received prizes on the day were Shane Boyle who crossed the line at 16.49 and Murielle Guillauton who did a great time of 23.31. As Foróige works with young people aged 10-18 years, many of the local young people took part in the event. The top male and female youths also received prizes for their determination, these were namely S. Othman, Neil Dowling, Diana Lupei and Jacinta Kelly.

Symantec were exceptionally hospitable after the run and served refreshments in their canteen for all involved. Prizes were then presented to the various winners.
Foróige would like to extend their sincere thanks to everyone for their support – to the many volunteers, Metro St Brigid’s for authorising the event, Senator Eamonn Coghlan for making a guest appearance, St John’s Ambulance, the Gardai, Spin FM, Glenisk, Tayto, the National Aquatic Centre, Cadbury’s, Coco Cola, McDonalds, Lusk Gardening Centre, Carlton Hotel and many other businesses and church groups in Ballycoolin.

A sincere thank you to Symantec who made the 5k possible. We look forward to holding the event again next year!