Our Work

Participation and Advocacy

Young people in Ireland have long shown a need and demonstrated a desire to be given a greater voice in issues that affect them. Foróige recognises that we have a key role to play in enabling young people’s voices to be heard and using our influence to ensure that they are. Youth Participation and Advocacy is a partnership between young people and adults in a process whereby Foróige is meeting the needs of young people we engage.

The Foróige Youth Participation Structure is a structure established with the primary purpose of promoting youth participation. It includes youth forums and the Foróige Reference Panel. Foróige Youth Participation Structures are located across Ireland where young people involved in a Foróige service come together to represent the views of other young people using the service. They work with Foróige staff and volunteers to ensure young people are having a real say and influence over what happens in the project.

For more information on youth participation & advocacy in Foróige, contact Sarah Haslam [email protected].