Have your voice heard
There are many ways you can get involved and have a real say on issues that affect you, your friends, your community. Get involved in your local youth group, community council and other committees. Send opinions pieces to your local newspaper. Get involved in local politics.
Youth Participation in Foróige
The first thing you need to do is get involved in Foróige in your local area. Click on our Interactive Map to find Foróige near you. If you are interested in getting involved in a Foróige youth participation structure or are currently involved and would like to find out more about participation, contact Sarah Haslam by emailing [email protected] (Youth Participation Officer)
Foróige & Comhairle na nÓg
Comhairle na nÓg were set up under the National Children's Strategy and there is a Comhairle na nOg in every city and county. The work of Comhairle na nÓg is the responsibility of the local authority in each city and county and is supported by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to give children and young people a voice in the development of local services and policies.
There are 34 Comhairles in all and new members generally join through the local AGMs which are held in September/October of each year. At the AGM's, a large number of local young people come together to discuss the issues/topics that are of importance to them. The Comhairle then look at what is discussed and decide on actions that should be carried out to bring about change for young people. In most cases new members for Comhairle are selected/elected during the AGM. Comhairle meetings generally take place every three to four weeks where members research their topic and work to influence local decision makers.
In 2009 Foroige in partnership with Youth Work Ireland appointed Participation Officers who offer support to the Comhairles around the country on behalf of the Dept. of Children and Youth Affairs. Foroige have two Participation Officers who support twenty six of the thirty four Comhairle na nOgs. Participation Officers offer a range of supports directly to the Comhairle members as well as the co-ordinators and members of the Steering Committees. The Participation team also organise training events and networking events for members and staff involved in Comhairle na nOg.
Since September 2012 Foroige have additionally taken responsibility for the organisation of National Events hosted by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. In November the National Showcase of Comhairle na nÓg took place in Croke Park where all 34 Comhairles had the opportunity to showcase their work.