The Connect Safely Programme promotes safer use of digital resources, equipping young people with the skills to safely benefit from being online, while also empowering young people to safely participate in their online communities as positive digital citizens.
The programme has been developed to engage young people in safe, creative, digital learning experiences where they can learn, connect, be informed and be creative. It is important that young people experience all the opportunities the internet offers and that they can do so in a way that is safe and as positive as can be.
The Connect Safely Programme is funded by the Department of Children, Disability, Integration and Youth.
The programme includes topics such as:
- Cyberbullying
- Screen Time and Wellbeing
- Privacy Settings
- Digital Citizenship, Fake News and Hate Speech
- Gaming/Gambling
- Online Relationships
- Sexting
We are holding a series of training sessions for adult staff and volunteers online through Zoom. We also hold in-person training.
On completion of the training, participants will receive a facilitators manual and access to an online portal developed especially for this programme.
Contact Jessica Murphy: 0864127292 | [email protected]