Volunteer Appreciation Week 2020
Foroige Volunteer Appreciation Week runs all next week 25th - 29th May 2020.
We will be taking the time to show our gratitude to those give their time selflessly to so many in Foroige. See below for all the details.
We'd love to hear about your stories, personal experiences and powerful moments in Foróige. Contact us if you would like to share them.
We will be taking the time to show our gratitude to those give their time selflessly to so many in Foroige. See below for all the details.
Watch live on Facebook @NUIGalway https://www.facebook.com/nuigalway/
or playback Here
The final chapter of our Feed Your Mind Body & Soul social media campign went live this week. Throughout this campaign we have been exploring the importance of developing empathy. Empathy gives us insight into the lives of others and into humanity. We are all exercising empathy through our actions during the Covid-19 restrictions. We are taking action for the benefit of ourselves, we are learning how a daily act of solidarity and consideration for others can directly affect our national and global community.
Foróige Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) student Amy McGonigle has joined forces with her (almost) 90 year old Grandfather to write a book capturing irish superstitions and traditions through the ages.
These wonderful stories have delighted and thrilled generations of the McGonigle family so Amy and her Grandfather Neilly McGonigle (Neilly Beag) decided to share them with everyone and wrote and illustrated the book together.
Feed Your Body - Fuel Your Life is part of the Foróige digital campaign to support young people through the difficult time we find ourselves in . It focuses on mind, body and soul addressing empathy and self care through music, art,craft & design and food. This campaign draws on the Foróige Activating Empathy programme which was developed in partnership NUI Galway.