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'Let's Be Blunt' about cannabis

foroigeadmin April 23, 2021


“Let's be Blunt" is an animation piece created by sixteen young people from Ronanstown Youth Service & Foróige South Dublin. It is a public awareness campaign by young people for young people. This animation provides information on cannabis, its effect, and the possible outcomes of its use.  The animation came about as a result of an identified need around dispelling the myths of cannabis use among young people.

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Foróige Wildlife - Let’s Build a Simple Bug Hotel

foroigeadmin April 1, 2021
Zookeeper Cillian Club Leader of Foróige Wildlife Club

Spring is now well underway and over the next few weeks there will be lots of new life to

observe and enjoy. Many animals are having their young at this time of the year and this

simple bug hotel is one way to make your garden more attractive to visitors. By

providing shelter to the smallest creatures, you can draw many larger animals to your

garden. A bug hotel will create a safe haven for many insects and bugs. As their

numbers increase, many animals that feed on insects will make you garden the first
