Youth Projects & Services

Foróige Health Promotion Officer Eimear Glendon talks about her work at the Drum Youth Centre, Kilkenny

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Foróige-Notinuse December 11, 2013

My name is Eimear Glendon. I work as a Health Promotion Officer in the Foróige Drum Youth Centre in Kilkenny. I studied for a BSc Health Science & Physiology and a BSc Public Health & Health Promotion in the Institute of Technology Sligo over a period of four years. Helping people whenever I can is very important to me!


What is Health Promotion?

Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. Health promotion recognises that everything that affects a person’s everyday living has an impact on their health and well-being; this in turn affects people’s quality of life.

Our Christmas single "Calling You Home for Christmas" is on sale now!

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Foróige-Notinuse December 5, 2013

The single features the outstanding vocal and musical talents of young singers and musicians from across Ireland. More than 100 Foróige volunteers – adults and teenagers – gathered together to record the single, ‘Calling You Home for Christmas’, which also features moving solo performances by young Foróige members from Tallaght, 16-year-old Bobby Keely and 16-year-old Trisha Rafter. Composer Gavin Bryne, a Foróige Youth Worker in Blanchardstown, urged people to make this song your gift to a friend or family member who can't be home this Christmas.

Coder Dojo sessions taking place at Foróige Quad Youth Centre in Co. Roscommon

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Foróige-Notinuse October 16, 2013

Over 50 young people aged 10 – 17 years are attending Coderdojo sessions and learning basic code and HTML 5 at the Quad Youth Centre in Roscommon, as part of a Techspace Programme operating in the centre. Twelve volunteers have stepped forward since mid-summer, attended Foróige volunteer training and have played a major part of the running of two Coder Dojo groups. 

Tickets on sale for 'Strictly Foróige' to raise funds for Tallaght Youth Services

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Foróige-Notinuse October 7, 2013

'Strictly Foróige' will take place on Friday 8th November in the Red Cow Hotel at 8pm. The team at Foróige Tallaght have created this exciting dance event to help maintain youth services to young people all across Tallaght. 16 couples will perform on the night and will showcase a variety of dance styles based on their own interests and talent.

Foróige's Ballybane Traveller Youth Project is featured on RTÉ 1 'The Secret Millionaire'

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Foróige-Notinuse October 1, 2013

Foróige has been featured in an episode of The Secret Millionaire on RTÉ 1. This was an uplifting, powerful programme during which several Galway based charitable initiatives, incl. a Foróige youth project, got very lucky indeed. In the programme, Enda O'Coineen aka. the 'Unsinkable Entrepreneur' goes on a mission to help young people and show them that through sailing they can gain the skills and discipline to help them through life.
