The consultation process for the National Youth Strategy being developed by the Department for Children and Youth Affairs is now underway. This is an important milestone for young people and we are asking for your co-operation and engagement with this process as you are ideally placed to ensure that young people and those working with young people have an input into the development of the National Youth Strategy.
About the National Youth Strategy
As you may be aware Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures, The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People was launched in April, 2014. It is the first overarching National Policy Framework which spans the ages 0 -24 (for more information on Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures please see here.
The National Youth Strategy is being developed under this overarching National Policy Framework, overseen by a National Youth Strategy Task Group.
This consultation is based on Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures and previous consultations that have been carried out with young people over the past three years such as the EU Structured Dialogue Process, Being Young and Irish, Growing Up in Ireland and other relevant consultations, reports and surveys that have identified issues of importance to young people.
The consultation will be in two phases –
1. An online consultation with young people and those working directly with young people and
2. Face to face consultation events early in 2015 with young people and other stakeholders which will be informed by the findings of the online consultation.
Consultation with Young People
Target Group: While the National Youth Strategy spans the ages of 10 – 24 and the online survey is open to all in this age group, we are particularly keen to engage those aged 15 – 24 and those whose voices are seldom heard.
There are two ways for young people to engage in this process.
1. Direct participation in an online survey. This survey can be disseminated directly via email or via websites and social media.
2. Some young people may find it difficult to engage directly with the above and may need assistance to participate in the consultation. Therefore a Guidance note has been developed for small group discussion with young people (attached). It is based on the survey. On completion of the small group discussion the facilitator can upload the results online using this link.
Consultation for those working directly with Young People
The views of those working with young people form an important part of the consultation process. While some will be in a position to attend face to face consultations early in 2015, there are many others working directly with young people, both volunteers and paid staff, whose views are important and need to be included in the development of the National Youth Strategy. Therefore we are encouraging these groupings to have discussions with colleagues (Guidance Note attached) and upload the conclusions of these discussions online via this link.
Duration of Online Consultation
The online consultation will remain open until 23rd January, 2015
Results of the Online Consultation
The findings will be collated and used to inform the face to face consultations with young people and key stakeholders that will take place early in 2015. The findings will also assist in the development of the National Youth Strategy through the identification of priority areas to be addressed through the National Youth Strategy.
The online consultation is confidential and all information collected is anonymous.
If you have any questions please contact either:
Rachael Murphy, Youth Sector Representative, DCYA Project Team
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 086 824 6288
Martina O’Brien, Programme Assistant, DCYA Project Team
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01 478 4122