General News

Cork Independent features Opinion piece about the Foróige Big Brother Big Sister programme

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Foróige-Notinuse October 1, 2014

The following Opinion piece recently featured in Cork Independent and was written By Foróige staff member Brenda Keating. Brenda is a Project Officer for Foróige’s Big Brother Big Sister programme in Cork.

"I’m going to college – something I thought I’d never do – all because of my ‘Big Sister’. She’s changed my life."

Can an hour or two a week really change someone’s life? Maybe it’s all about the little things.

Quick Guide to online affiliation of your Foróige Club

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Foróige-Notinuse October 1, 2014

Your Club can now start updating and adding information to the online affiliation system. In fact, two Clubs have already done this and have hit the affiliation button, they are Tourmakeady Foróige Club in Mayo and Cathedral Cairde Foróige Club in Cork. Well done to both of them for being on the ball! If you are no longer a Club Leader, please ask the Club to indicate on the system who the new Club Leader is. If your Club may not be reopening, please contact a Foróige Regional Youth Officer/Staff Person for help. Access the Club Management System here. 

Recruiting new volunteers into Clubs and Projects

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Foróige-Notinuse September 30, 2014

At this time of year, many Clubs and Projects are seeking to bring in new volunteer Leaders. As you know, leaders are the key to good developmental and enjoyable experiences for young people in our Clubs.  About 1,000 new volunteer Leaders join Foróige each year, mainly recruited by existing Leaders.  Most people who get involved in Clubs do so because another Leader has asked them. We say "Yes" to people we trust more easily than to strangers. Here is some advice on how to find more Leaders. It's not always easy - but this is what experts recommend.

"The greatest message we can give to young people is that they always have a choice and you can always do something to change a situation." - Gerry McDonald, Foróige's Head of Training who has worked with young people for over 30 years

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Foróige-Notinuse September 30, 2014

Read our interview with Gerry McDonald, Foróige's Head of Training. Gerry has worked with young people in Foróige for over 30 years. Gerry will retire later on this year and has carried out exceptional youth work throughout his career. He has championed youth participation and non-formal education. In this interview, Gerry shares anecdotes and words of wisdom for young people, volunteers and youth workers. It is an inspiring piece and everyone can take something from it.

Foróige launches relationships and sexuality programme for young people which aims to delay sexual activity and reduce teen pregnancies

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Foróige-Notinuse September 26, 2014

REAL U is a comprehensive relationships and sexual health programme designed to delay the onset of early sexual activity and reduce teen pregnancy. Funding for the roll out of the programme nationally came from the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme. This innovative new sex education programme delivered to more than 10,500 teenagers nationwide is ‘filling a gap’ in relationship and sexuality education for young people in Ireland, a new study has shown. The 12-month research into youth organisation Foróige’s Relationships Explored and Life Uncovered (REAL U) programme also found that young people’s attitudes to LGBT issues and knowledge about the facts of sex improved significantly as a result of taking part in the 12-week programme.

Foróige’s Dr. Susan Redmond says, “Young people are living in an increasingly sexualised world and teenagers need the tools to navigate through this world effectively.

Foróige Clubs for young people with autism spectrum conditions

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Foróige-Notinuse September 12, 2014

Foróige is now operating clubs for young people with autism spectrum conditions in a number of counties. Claire Hutchinson, Foróige Regional Youth Officer for South Dublin says, “We have worked closely in conjunction with Aspire Ireland, the Asperger’s Association of Ireland and they have been exceptionally helpful and supportive in establishing these clubs.”
