Foróige sweeps the board at the Irish Cancer Society 'X-Hale Youth Awards'

Foróige-Notinuse's picture
Foróige-Notinuse July 3, 2014

Through the X-HALE Youth Awards, the Irish Cancer Society encourages youth groups and youth organisations to play their part in helping to prevent young people in their communities from starting to smoke. X-HALE provides resources to youth groups to deliver message to the young people about the issues around smoking which are important in their community. Seven Foróige videos won in their categories! You can check out each of the videos by clicking on the links provided. 

Creid Foróige Youth Club from Kildare was the Overall Junior Winner / Saint Joseph’s Foróige Youth Programme from Mayfield in Cork were the Junior Runners Up / Winners of the Best Peer Pressure message were the Foróige Multi-Motions Youth Group from Phibblestown, Dublin 15 / Best Comedy Winner was the Lisacaul Junior Foróige Club from Roscommon / Most Creative Film was awarded to the Foróige Quad Youth Centre in Roscommon / Best Actor Winner went to Ben Wheatley from the Port GYDP for his portrayal of ‘Happy’ / Best Actress Winner Went to Claire Farrell as ‘Claire’ from the Foróige Attic Youth Café in Longford 

Congratulations to all of the young people who got involved.