The sun was shining on the 250 young Leaders gathering in Maynooth University for Foróige’s annual Leadership for Life Conference last week!
Our annual Leadership conference brought young people from around Ireland and the world to learn the skills and confidence to become leaders in their own lives and communities, as well as make lots of new friends and have the best craic together over the week.
During the week-long conference, our delegates learn crucial life skills such as empathy, decision making, problem solving, communication skills, critical thinking and team work.
Seán Campbell, our CEO, said “Leadership for Life is a circuit-breaker programme and can truly be life-changing for young people. This conference gives them the chance to not just learn from expert speakers and facilitators, but also to develop themselves and grow with each other in a fun and relaxed environment. Year on year I’m amazed by what young people can achieve when given the chance and the support. Every young person deserves to be able to access programmes like this.”
This year, we also had our Foróige Go digital teams on-site! They were a fantastic addition to the conference.
As part of the conference, the delegates met some truly inspirational guest speakers including Joanne O’Riordan, Cllr Mark Duffy and Seán Ronayne. We also had the pleasure of hosting a workshop for our Advanced Module with Zbyszek Zalinski, Diversity & Inclusion Lead in RTÉ.
The week of learning and growing was interspersed with lots of fun activities, including music bingo, a very competitive hula hoop competition, and much more.
We hope all our young Leaders had the best time in Maynooth last week, and made memories that will last a lifetime. There was hardly a dry eye in the Iontas after the conference was declared closed! A huge thank you again to our volunteers and staff, whose hard work and dedication make the conference so amazing.