Foróige in partnership with the GAA, NUIG and the Dermot Earley family have recently opened the application process for the 2015-2016 Dermot Earley Youth Leadership Initiative. The Dermot Earley Youth Leadership Initiative (DEYLI) is named after the late Dermot Earley, one of Ireland’s most inspirational leaders and esteemed GAA inter-county player.
This Phase 2 of the Initiative will provide active members of the GAA and Foróige aged 15-17 in counties Cork, Tipperary, Dublin, Kildare, Monaghan, Donegal, Galway and Roscommon the opportunity to participate in Foróige's Leadership for Life programme, customised for our partnership with the GAA.
Participants must be aged 15-17, active members of their GAA Club and/or Foróige in one of these 8 counties: Kildare, Dublin, Roscommon, Galway, Monaghan, Donegal, Tipperary or Cork, and have an interest in developing their leadership skills. The programme will run from September 2015 to May 2016. Places are limited to 15 per county (30 in Dublin). As with the Albert Schweitzer Leadership for Life programme, participants will have the opportunity to complete the NUI Galway accredited Foundation Certificate in Youth Leadership and Community Action. More information on the programme, criteria, venues and links to the application and nomination forms can be found here. The deadline for young people to apply is midnight on the 19th July.