Little Brother
Co Westmeath
Big BrotherCo Longford

The concept behind Foróige's Big Brother Big Sister programme is simple but the results are incredible. A young person is matched with an adult volunteer based on shared interests. The young person may have previously felt isolated in some way and needed a little bit of extra support. Big Brother Big Sister is getting BIGGER.
In 2011, 2,324 young people were matched with an adult volunteer. In 2012 that figure had risen to 5,853 - which is an increase of 3,529 in just one year.
The Big Brother Big Sister programme has been independently assessed and it passed with flying colours. A study by NUI Galway concluded that the programme, which has its origins in the U.S, is very well run in Ireland and is "an extremely valuable, low-cost intervention for young people who need support".
To find out more about Foróige's Youth mentoring programme, Big Brother Big Sister, click here!