Scroll over each person to find out what Foróige means to them
Foróige Leader
& primary school teacher
I volunteer with Foróige because of my younger brothers. They’re identical twins and a lot of people can’t tell them apart, but with Foróige they are seen as individuals. I like how they are both given the opportunity to develop their individuality while still being part of a group.
Former Foróige Leader
& retired nurse
Three generations of my family – myself, my daughter and now my granddaughter Ciara have all been involved in Foróige. Last year I attended the permanent tsb Foróige Youth Citizenship Awards to cheer Ciara on. In one way I couldn’t believe how much the organisation has grown and changed over the last 20 years. In another way I am very pleased at how the heart of the organisation and the philosophy behind it has remained the same.
Member, Cong Foróige Club
It’s cool to think that I’m the third generation of my family to be involved in Foróige – frst my gran, then my mum as well as my dad. My parents won the Foróige Youth Citizenship Award in 1988. It’s inspiring to think that more than 20 years later, I represented my club at the same event. Not many teenagers can share an experience like that with their parents.
Community Forum Co-ordinator,
Mayo County Council
My job involves working with communities and what makes Cong stand out for me is that it has embraced its youth through the Foróige club and in turn the young people here have embraced their local community. That’s how strong communities are built.
Member, Cong Foróige Club
I’m a big music fan and love playing the guitar. My dad was in a band so music has always been a big part of my life. Taking part in ‘Foróige’s Got Talent’ was my frst experience of playing live on stage, though hopefully it won’t be my last. Foróige’s given me the confdence to follow my dreams.
Foróige Leader, Civil Engineer
& Secretary Mayo District Council
I got involved with Mayo District Council because of the support they and our RYO gave our club when we started off. Going to the monthly meetings engages leaders and lets them know what is happening. Even sharing the cup of tea afterwards allows friendships and networks to be established. All this is important in making you a better leader and strengthening our clubs.
Public Relations Offcer, Cong Foróige Club
Being the Public Relations Offcer of the club, my role involves being the voice of the group and making sure everybody knows what we’re about. We get to decide what’s best for us and what’s best for our club and we take that responsibility seriously.
Member, Cong Foróige Club
Reaching the Youth Citizenship fnals with our woodland trail project was an unforgettable experience. Almost two years later, the trail is not only surviving but is becoming more popular with tourists and locals alike. I’ve helped to make my community a better place – and that is something that I’m really proud of.
Member, Foróige Youth Participation Advisory Committee
Meeting the now President of Ireland at the Foróige Presidential Youth Forum was a mind blowing experience. The forum gave young people the opportunity to express our views and have our voices heard. I’m also hoping to complete the Leadership programme this year. I’ve met the leaders of today and thanks to Foróige, I might be a leader of tomorrow!
Manager, Ashford Castle
Cong Foróige Club developed a great tourism trail in the local woods as part of their Youth Citizenship project in 2010. It has really helped boost tourism as we can offer visitors something tangible to enjoy in the area.
Chairperson, Cong Foróige Club
& Foróige Reference Panelle
What I like most about Foróige is that it gives me the opportunity to participate in the discussion – young people are part of the decision making process. Cyber-bullying is a topic that needs to be addressed and Foróige is doing that. Teenagers have frst-hand experience of cyber-bullying now teenagers can be part of the solution.