“Handing in that green form and joining the Blanchardstown Computer Clubhouse has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I realise now that I can do so much more than I thought I could and I only have Foróige to thank for that. I’m not great at school, I’m not afraid to say that, but I’ve found something that I’m really good at and it’s a great feeling.”
Gavin, 18

Over the years I’ve had a chance to be involved in so many things that I would never have thought I could do. Shane saw that I had an interest in photography, so he encouraged me to join a photography summer programme, which was brilliant. I really came out of my shell after that and started to get involved more and more. I even began to help other young people out with video making and producing music. I also got to manage the lighting for local productions of Chicago and Wicked – a pretty big responsibility. I’m not great at school, I’m not afraid to say that, but I’ve found something I’m really good at and that’s a great feeling.

I realise now that I can do so much more than I thought I could and I only have Foróige and the Clubhouse to thank for that. I won a competition a few years back with a multi-media presentation I created called ‘Respect for Football’.

The prize was a trip to Boston to take part in the International Computer Clubhouse Teen Summit. I couldn’t believe it! I had never won anything before. It was one of the most memorable and incredible experiences of my life.

Thanks to my years developing my skills in electronics and being in studio booths at the Clubhouse, I’m hoping to do music technology in college next year – and thanks to Shane who has supported me every step of the way, I believe that I can do it. It’s a career I can see myself loving. Being involved in Foróige and the Clubhouse has been a fantastic experience for me.