Foróige Youth Citizenship Programme
Established by Foróige in 1969, this programme is an essential part of the organisation’s work and central to the achievement of its purpose. It is based on the belief that every young person can make a real difference to the world around them. The programme facilitates young people in exploring the needs of their communities, developing a plan of action, implementing it and evaluating the results of their citizenship project. Find out more.
'Leadership for Life’ Programme
The Youth Leadership programme is an year-long programme developed by Foróige, which incorporates 3 modules. These modules look at leadership skills, individual leadership goals, research skills, team projects and culminates in an individual community action project. The 3 modules when completed are awarded a Foundation Certificate in Youth Leadership and Community Action by NUI Galway, the first of its kind in the country. Find out more.
Relationships & Sexuality Programme
The REAL U programme has been developed to enable facilitators to explore issues pertinent to relationships and sexuality with young people. The programme covers a number of relevant topics including puberty, body image, reproduction, sexuality, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, emotional well-being and boundaries in an innovative and creative way. It is designed to be used with young people aged 12-18 years in a group work setting. Find out more.
Programmes for Young Offenders
A Life of Choices is a group work resource which enables facilitators to explore crime and offending behaviour with young people. A Life of Choices came about as part of Foróige’s response to the increased need for the alignment of practice with offence related issues for those working with young people involved or at risk of becoming involved in offending. Find out more.
Changing Habits and Reaching Targets (CHART)
Changing Habits and Reaching Targets (CHART) is an Australian Cognitive Behavioural Tool to help young people explore and change their patterns of behaviour around offending. It is a one-to-one intervention, based on the ‘what works’ approach to offender rehabilitation. It contains core and elective components that explore thoughts, feelings and behaviour to ultimately lead to behaviour change. Find out more.
Health & Wellbeing Programme
The Be Healthy, Be Happy programme was developed based on consultation with staff, volunteers and young people in relation to the needs of adolescents today. The programme focuses on four areas of health & well-being including; physical health, social health, mental health and spiritual health. It consists of 2 modules, each containing over 14 hours of facilitated learning content to achieve specified learning outcomes aimed at age 12-18 year olds. Find out more.
Youth Entrepreneurship Programme
The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) is committed to changing the lives of young people in disadvantaged communities by enabling them to develop core skills in business and enterprise and help them to unlock their individual talents and potential. NFTE operates in-school and out-of-school, both of which have been shown to be successful in building self-confidence and interpersonal skills in young people as well as increasing school completion and college attendance rates. Find out more.